Our Artists
The artists featured below are all affiliated with Trinity Art Studios. Many have been based and made work at Trinity Buoy Wharf over the last 20 years and some still continue to do so.
All of our artists currently have work on display in our main studio. Lists & prices of available work can be found on our sister site: Trinity Art Gallery
If you are an artist looking for gallery representation you can find out more and apply here.
Ian Robert Felton
Ian discovered Trinity Buoy Wharf in 2005 and opened Trinity Art Studios in December of the same year. He continues to paint, teach and exhibit works from the wharf.
Noel Paine
Noel was based at Trinity Buoy Wharf for 6 years before relocating to Rome. He then met his wife and re-located to her home city of Vienna.
Marilyn Durkin
Marilyn creates from her own studio across the river Thames at Trinity Wharf in Woolwich. She remains one of our favourite and most accomplished painters.
Rita Krupaviciute
Rita came to London from Lithuania and discovered Trinity Art Studios while out walking one day. She joined us in 2021 and continues to paint & teach at the wharf.
Michele Turriani
Michele moored his Lightship at Trinity Buoy Wharf for many years before relocating to the Royal Docks. We collaborate with him on various photographic projects.
Plamen Monev
Plamen came to us from Bulgaria as an artist in residence during summer 2022. During his stay he created many colourful depictions of Trinity Buoy Wharf.
Cat Vitebsky
Cat is unique from our other featured artists in that she has never worked at Trinity Buoy Wharf. We love her work though and she has been exhibiting at our shows since 2020.
Vincenzo Muratore
Vincenzo moved to London from Sicily in 2017 and joined us at Trinity Art Studios to develop his craft as a sculptor. Now based in the Royal Docks we continue to collaborate.
Eva Terzoni
Eva started coming to Trinity Art Studios in 2013 and took part in many life drawing & paint sessions. She then focused on sculpture and has since relocated to Italy.

Are you or do you know an Artist who you think would fit well with our current stable of artists?
Tell us about your work and send us examples of what you do. We assess each application individually. In the event we don’t offer you a space will will endeavour to provide advice and encouragement to assist your development.